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What Is The Best Way To Generate Leads

What Is The Best Way To Generate Leads

You’ve already heard this - your network is your net worth. But what network actually is?

Network represents a number of people we know both in our personal & business community that we can call at anytime and ask a question or for a favour, advice or job recommendation. Or we can call them to tell them that there’s some open position in that big company that was made for them. Or to ask them which marketing agency should we hire.

You see, the possibilities about what you can do with your network are endless. You can help them, and they can help you. The more people you know, there will be more opportunities for you to ask for a help/advice or offer some help/advice.

In order to build a network, it’s not just about going to events and collecting paper business cards, and then adding all those people on LinkedIn. It’s about meeting the right people, sharing your knowledge and ideas with them, talk about potential partnerships, offer your expertise to a wider audience, and have a right tool to collect all those informations in one place.

That’s why today we’ll talk about the best ways to generate more leads.

By the way, if you’re just heading to some event, check 18 best advices on how to meet more people. 🔥


1️⃣ Why Lead Generation Is So Important

Lead capture refers to collecting information about potential customers or leads who have shown interest in your products, services, or brand. The information typically includes their contact details, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and sometimes additional data like company names or job titles.

Lead capture is a fundamental component of both online and offline marketing efforts, and it plays a critical role in building and maintaining a customer base.

Moreover, by effectively capturing and nurturing leads, businesses can increase their chances of turning potential customers into loyal clients.

Attending conferences can be a valuable opportunity for businesses to generate leads and expand their network.

With a diverse range of attendees, industry experts, and potential clients all in one place, conferences offer numerous benefits for lead generation:

  • Showcasing products or services - Engage with potential customers directly and demonstrate the value and unique features of your offerings. ✅
  • Fostering networking opportunities - Connect with like-minded professionals by participating in panel discussions or attending networking events. ✅
  • Getting valuable insights and knowledge sharing - Attend conferences to enhance industry knowledge and also position businesses as thought leaders within their field. ✅
  • Building relationships on a personal level - Actively engage with attendees during breaks or social events and establish trust. ✅

Capturing leads at events is crucial to any successful marketing strategy.

Furthermore, whether you're attending a conference or local networking event, the potential to connect with prospects and turn them into valuable leads is immense.

However, capturing leads isn’t as simple as collecting business cards and hoping for the best.

Lead capture begins when someone interacts with your business by visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, attending an event, or filling out a contact form.

Therefore, these potential customers are already engaged with your business in some way, making them more likely to convert into paying customers. Once a prospect expresses interest, you collect relevant information to identify and contact them later. By collecting data on leads, you can segment them based on various criteria, such as demographics, interests, or behaviour.


🚀 Bonus Pro Tip: If you turn to digital solutions such as Tapni, you can filter, group, and regroup all of your leads into the categories of your choice.

Knowing who your leads are and where they are in the sales funnel enables your sales team to prioritize their efforts.

Thus, they can focus on leads that are more likely to convert, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their sales activities. Not all leads will convert into customers immediately, but lead capture enables you to nurture leads over time, building relationships and trust.

It is especially important for businesses with longer sales cycles, as it keeps your brand top-of-mind when leads are ready to purchase.

2️⃣ What Tools Are Used For Lead Generation

Businesses usually have they preferred CRM that’s used on a company basis, mostly for sales and marketing purposes. You’ll find that many companies are using tools like HubSpot or Salesforce as a CRM that will store all the information about the leads they’ve collected.

But how leads end up in the CRM like these?

First of all, they can be manually added - which is the least effective method, because it will take a most of the time.

Then, companies whose employees are going to different meetings and/or events can use different OCR scanners to scan business cards they receive, and in that way transfer the lead from different scanning apps to the CRM.

Also, there are different QR Code generator apps that will give you a possibility not only to share the contact details, but to get the information from others, and export them to the CRM as well.

But we’ve seen mostly at the events is that people are sharing their LinkedIn. Why?

Because LinkedIn is the most popular business social media platform in the world. People want to build their community, their personal brand and gain recognition on LinkedIn, and they see it as the easiest and best possible way to connect with others.

Although LinkedIn is a great tool for a cold outreach, presenting your work and get the contact informations from some people you would like to get to know better, there’s one big problem: almost everyone on LinkedIn don’t really know more than 83% of their connections. Actually, they never met them in person. And if you go to some event, and then send LinkedIn connection request to all the people you’ve met there, the mess have just started. Here’s why:

  • You probably don’t remember the names of the people you’ve met, and know you don’t know how you’re going to search for them on LinkedIn. ❌
  • You met so many people that - after a few days have gone by - you will forgot if you met that important person on that last conference or at the previous one. ❌
  • You added new connections to your LinkedIn, but you don’t have their phone number or email, and now you have less sources for the reach out. ❌

In order to avoid those problems, here’s how you’re going to generate the leads in the best possible way.

3️⃣ What’s The Best Way To Generate Leads

A digital business card.

Here’s why:

  • It’s not mandatory to have any physical product with you. Even though many digital business card providers offer an customised NFC card, you can always choose a digital option. ✅
  • It’s a not a type of business card you need to reprint. Even if you choose physical NFC card, you’ll be able to connect it with the digital business card mobile app, and every time you change something inside the app that will be applied directly to your card ✅
  • You can exchange contact with anyone, and save them as connections/contacts in your digital business card mobile app. On top of that, some providers will give you a possibility to customise the Exchange Contact forms as well ✅
  • You can add a digital business card to your Apple/Google Wallet ✅
  • You can add your digital business card to your email signature, and in that way add another lead generation channel to your arsenal. In that way anybody who’s reading your email can quickly exchange contact with you (even without interaction from your part) ✅
  • You can customise your digital presence. That means that you’ll turn your contact details into mini website, a nice-looking personalised digital business card. Check the example bellow 👇

But what separates digital business card as a lead generation tool from others?

You’ll have the contacts only from people you’ve actually met. And you can filter them by the date when you’ve met them, or you can even set a marker for each contact created (for example, #WebSummit2024, as a note for yourself that you’ve met that person at the WebSummit in Lisbon in 2024). 🚀

We’re not done yet.

👉 Once you set a marker, you can use a business dashboard to export all the leads with that specific marker, and export them to an Excel file or to the CRM you’re using. 🚀

👉 You don’t need to worry anymore if you’re going to remember people’s names - they will be saved on your digital business card.

👉 You don’t need to remember where you met them, or if you’re going to forget to reach out to them because some digital business card providers will give you a possibility to set a follow-up reminder for each contact.

👉 You don’t need to worry if you change any of your contact details - you can update them in the digital business card app, and they will automatically sync with your NFC business card. In this way you’re also improving sustainability.

Digital business card is a tool dedicated to give you the best possible environment for an effective lead generation. You’ll collect the leads at one place, and then turn them into sales opportunities, partnerships, and business connections.

Lost deals? No more.

📦 Wrapping It Up

If you do the right work, your network works for you. ✨

Capturing leads at events requires a strategic approach and a willingness to adapt to the changing lead generation landscape. Furthermore, lead capture allows you to engage with potential customers, build relationships, and drive revenue.

Ultimately, businesses prioritizing effective lead capture are more likely to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Tapni is a digital solution that can supercharge your business growth by automating the lead capture process and making it almost effortless.

📦 Bonus: $100M Leads Recap

If you’re following Alex Hormozi, you’ve probably heard about his $100M Leads 🧲

And if you haven’t read it yet, don’t worry - we’ve done that for you. Here’s the recap of Alex Hormozi's latest book. Enjoy!

To learn about lead generation, make sure to read those articles:

10 Best Lead Generation Tools in 2025 ✅

10 Effective Ways To Capture Leads At Events ✅

9 Best Event Lead Generation Apps in 2025 ✅

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